Case Studies

What does impact look like? See examples of prior projects here.

service for a purpose

Clients that care

Over 20 years, Lanah has worked with organizations across the globe on a broad range of social and environmental impact projects. From small businesses, to billion dollar entities. From small nonprofits to foreign governments and a range of stakeholders in between. See brief samples below: Community Engagement, Facilitation, Program Design, Strategy Design, Research, Capability Building and Leadership Development. 

(Click on the picture below for brief project summary.) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Tailor-Made Impact Strategy

Let's see how you can be Part of the big picture of positive impact.

LanahLink believes we each have a choice. We either choose to be a constructive force for peace and positive impact or we don’t. Now, in the 21st Century we are finally realizing, business, government and organizations aren’t exempt – the are a critical piece of the impact puzzle. Let’s figure out how you fit in! 

Learn more about LanahLink

Lanah Link Social Impact Solutions