Over 20 years, Lanah has worked with organizations across the globe on a broad range of social and environmental impact projects. From small businesses, to billion dollar entities. From small nonprofits to foreign governments and a range of stakeholders in between. See brief samples below: Community Engagement, Facilitation, Program Design, Strategy Design, Research, Capability Building and Leadership Development.
(Click on the picture below for brief project summary.) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Issue: Billion dollar health system seeks to maximize access to health care in lower income neighborhood and identify best in class program options.
Solution: LanahLink retained as part of leadership team to facilitate, craft and implement community engagement strategy and research/recommend program design options.
Issue: Strategy across New Zealand government needs clarity and coordination of 20 organizations to come to collective agreement to increase efficacy.
Solution: LanahLink retained to assess, facilitate & identify options forward using range of collective impact facilitation and 1 on 1 stakeholder input meetings.
Issue: Organization needs to educate & engage millions on an extremely complex community issue.
LanahLink researches and synthesis very complex data/issue into user friendly ‘Toolkit’ distributed to thousands across state of 5 million through community engagement workshops establishing robust advocacy infrastructure.
LanahLink believes we each have a choice. We either choose to be a constructive force for peace and positive impact or we don’t. Now, in the 21st Century we are finally realizing, business, government and organizations aren’t exempt – the are a critical piece of the impact puzzle. Let’s figure out how you fit in!
LanahLink Social Impact Solutions